hollywood mobile movie

the Los Angeles chapter of the drive-in that drives in




a film by Tobe Hooper

Before Texas Chainsaw Massacre there was Hooper's first film - "Eggshells" (1968), which has been considered to be a lost film for decades. It's been 41 years since Eggshells was made and we now proudly present its West Coast premiere.

Fridays at Midnight, starting Dec. 4th

In-theater tickets: $8
Drive-in reservations: $20/car

Purchase Tickets Online

These screenings are true drive-in style, so make sure you have a working FM radio in your car.

Parking Lot at The Steve Allen Theater

The Steve Allen Theater is located at the Center for Inquiry - West,
4773 Hollywood Blvd,
Hollywood, CA 90027

Enter the parking lot off of Berendo St., just north of Hollywood Blvd.

For updates and more info, visit http://www.hollywoodmobmov.org/

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Check out these photos from past screenings

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What is the Mobile Movie?
We are a grassroots movement aimed at bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, what used to be a dark and decrepit warehouse wall springs to life with the sublime sights and sounds of a big screen movie. The MobMovement began in Berkeley, CA, and has been expanding with chapters in cities across the country.

So You're the Hollywood Chapter?
Yes, HollywoodMobMov is part of the community of Mobile Movies. Our screenings are held in and around the Greater Los Angeles area. More information about the MobMov and it's many chapters is at  www.MobMov.org

How do I participate in a MobMov?
Simple. Sign up to our mailing list at MobMov.org. Showings will be held at various locations all around the Los Angeles area. The day before each Mob, we'll e-mail everyone with the location and the movie. If you want to join in, all you have to do is fill your car with your friends and find the spot.

What does a typical MobMov look like?
The exciting bit about the MobMov is that its almost never held in the same place twice. At the start of the show, you'll tune your radios into the station specified at the beginning of the film, and then sit back and relax.

Definition of a Mobile Movie
A "mobile movie" or mobmov for short, is quite simply a drive-in that drives-in. Participating in a mobmov is very similar to attending a drive-in from the days of old, except now the projector is located inside and powered by a car, and the audio is piped in stereo over the FM band to your car. It’s a new technological twist to a nostalgic idea.

Is MobMov a "Guerilla Drive-in" or not?
Of course we are! We most closely resemble and revere the Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-in. But we've gone beyond that original concept. In a traditional GDI like Santa Cruz, a bunch of guys would haul out a projector, some marine batteries, a screen, and some speakers to a park. Everyone in the know would in turn bring blankets and sit down. This is a very cool thing to do, but it's not a "drive-in" in most senses of the term. Our goal was to create a true "drive-in" experience by enclosing the projector and an FM transmitter inside a car. Participants drive in to a parking lot, tune their radios, and watch their favorite flick from the comfort of their car. As far as we know, we're the first ones to attempt this (or not).

This new approach is better for a variety of reasons. Drive-ins were popular originally because it was like having your own private cineplex - if you wanted privacy, you'd just roll up your windows. If you wanted to be part of a community, you'd roll them down, open your doors, maybe even walk around. Secondly, while a traditional GDI only operates in the summer, you can stay in your car with the heater running while participating in a mobmov. That's rain or shine folks and folketts.

Why do you call it MobMov?
Our name contains far more significance than simply being short for "Mobile Movie". Mob: much like Flashmob and similar movements, the MobMov is organized over the internet, appears for a short time in a random location, and disappears just as quickly as it came. Try that with your parents' drive-in! Movment: we like to think of ourselves as movie mercenaries of sorts - we bring free movies to the community, providing a new, wholesome night-time use for the forgotten areas of town.

Los Angeles specific Questions? Comments? E-mail us at mobmov@workprint.com.


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